Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Thoughts On: The 5th Wave Movie

The 5th Wave Movie Review
Opening Date: January 22nd 2016

My Review:

I usually make it a priority to read the book before I watch the movie. This time, I let it slide.
I wish I had read the book beforehand, so I could compare and contrast the two. I've read/watched many reviews for the movie, and from what I can tell, you either love it or you hate it. 
I went and saw The 5th Wave Thursday, January 21st, and was very excited. All my friends that have read the book loved it and couldn't wait either. I wanted to wait a bit to see if my opinion would change after I thought it over for a few days, but if anything, I hate it more.
I had many issues with the movie:

  • The characters were so plain. My friends have always said that they weren't just your average teenagers thrown into an alien apocalypse. They were born it fight. That's not what I saw though. They were just so bland as if they were just going to give up any minute. I believe Cassie was the bravest out of them all. Although, if she wasn't doing all this for her brother, I think it would have been different.
  • I found the ending very predictable. Again, I haven't read the book and I wasn't spoiled either. So, right off the bat, I figured out what was going to happen. That made the rest of the movie a drag, I was just waiting to see if I was right or not.
  • Lizbeth. I couldn't stand her. She was so useless and acted like Cassie had to save her from everything.
  • This is probably the worst con of all, I hated the storyline. It wasn't unique to me, the only thing I haven't seen done before in this movie was the Waves. But, quite honestly, I don't think that would be hard to think up.
I did not like the majority of the movie, but there were a few things that made this review not be a 1 star review.


  • The actors and actresses. From what I can tell, I think they portrayed their roles perfectly. They fit them well and helped the story develop. 
  • The romance. It was more of a pro than con. It wasn't my favorite though. 

Overall, The 5th Wave isn't all its held up to be. I will probably still read the book, so I can see if it was just like the movie or totally different. Also, please don't get offended by my opinions. Everyone is able to have and share their opinion on anything, that's what I'm doing here. :)
What did you think of the movie? Tell me, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Star rating: 2/5 stars.

-Savannah @abookowl ig

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