Friday, February 5, 2016

Bookstagram Friday #2: How to Get Your Bookstagram Started!

Happy Friday everyone! This week's Bookstagram Friday topic will focus around getting your bookstagram account started! My Instagram account (@abookowl) will be turning 2 on June 6th, I still cannot believe it has been that long! Since then, I've learned quite a few things that are good and that are bad when starting your account out. Today, I'm going to share those with you!

  • Use your phone for photos! You don't need an expensive camera to take gorgeous photos. But, if you have a camera, go ahead, anything will work! I use my iPhone 6 to take my photos and I need they turn out quite nice. :) (Next week I'm planning on doing a post about how to make your photos clear and clean. I'll being telling you guys about my favorite "editing" apps, what filter I use, tips on lighting, and much more!!)
  • Use hashtags! Hashtags aren't bad! I know some people hate them, but that's your #1 way for your account and photos to be discovered. The only tip I have for hashtags is to not put them in your caption. Put the hashtags in the comment section on your photo so they aren't that noticeable.
  • Communicate with your followers! I'm not going to lie, it a while back it was very occasionally that I would reply back to my followers. Now, I love communicating with them and not just thinking of them as my followers, but as my friends. 

  • Spam your follower's feed. It is fine to post 1 to 3 photos a day, but make sure and spread out when you post them and not all in the same hour. We love to see your pretty photos, but it is better to save your photos and have some for multiple days than post them all on the same day.
  • Ask for a shoutout or for a follow in exchange for a follow. I know you want to earn followers fast, but it is actually quite annoying for the person receiving a comment. I'm not hating on anyone, I only had a few followers at one time too, but I think you should EARN your followers, not force them into following you.

*In no way am I trying to tell you to change how you are doing your account!! If what you're doing is working for you, then don't change! I'm not posting about this to make everyone work their account like me, I'm just giving tips to the people that would like some!*


That will conclude today's post! I hope those Do's and Don't's up there helped a bit! Leave a comment of your IG username so I can check it out if I don't follow you already. 

-Savannah @abookowl ig


  1. I will totally use these tips! My IG is @partywithbooks :) ~Emma Cahill

  2. I will definitely use these tips. Thanks for posting this! My username is @somanyyabooks

  3. Thanks for the tips!! I've just recently started a bookstagram account. If you're free please check it out @thereaddict85
